Referrals to Specialists (Chasing Appointments)
NHS e-Referral Tracking
If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system.
You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.
To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:
- Your date of birth
- Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter
- Password – this will be on the second page of your letter
To track an e-Referral, click here.
Managing Hospital Referrals and Appointments in the NHS App
You can use the NHS app to view, confirm and change the details of any upcoming hospital referrals from your GP.
- Open the NHS App and make sure you are logged in
- Scroll down to Your Health and select Upcoming and past appointments
- Select Hospital referrals and appointments
- You will see details of all referrals appointments, and if you need to do anything
- Scroll to the relevant appointment or referral, and click the green Book or manage button
- Here you can confirm details or make changes if available and needed.
You may also be able to see details of where your referral is on an NHS waiting list.
Our team are overwhelmed by requests to expedite hospital appointments. We are sorry but we cannot change the waiting times at the hospitals and cannot respond to the volume of requests we receive to do so. We are aware that this sometimes occurs because patients are told by a specialist's secretary to get a letter from their GP so their appointment can be brought forward. This advice is inappropriate.
If you are experiencing worsening of your symptoms, we advice you to contact your specialist's secretary directly so they can assess your condition and make the necessary arrangements to expedite your appointment if appropriate. If you have difficulty in accessing your specialist, we advise you to contact the hospital Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for assistance.
Referral made to an NHS organisation?
Triage Referral Service - Stellar & Mayflower
If your referral request was to the Triage Referral Service you will need to contact them directly.
Stellar is a triage service for the following:
Rheumatology - Orthopaedics - Pain Management
Stellar contact number - 0300 303 7300
Mayflower is a triage service for the following:
Dermatology - Ear Microsuction - Minor Surgery
Mayflower contact number - 01279 912660
Hospital Referrals
If your referral request was to the any of the following Hospitals you will need to contact them directly to chase your own referral
Princess Alexandra Hospital 01279 444455.
Princess Alexandra Hospital 01279 827391 for appointment queries for patients and GP's
North Middlesex Hospital 0208 887 3663/3664
Whipps Cross Hospital 0208 539 5522
Queens Hospital 0330 400 4333
St Margarets Hospital 01992 561 666



Drugs & Alcohol
Self-referral For Local Services
Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP, however there are a number of services locally, listed below that you are able to make self-referrals to.

Sexual Health

Smoking Cessation